
Neuer Mitarbeiter Simon Schaefer

Wir begrüßen Simon Schaefer als neuen Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung für Analyse und Modellierung komplexer Daten. Herr Schaefer hat bereits Psychologie an der JGU studiert und war als studentische Hilfskraft in unserer Abteilung sowie den Abteilungen Allgemeine Psychologie und Sozialpsychologie tätig. Wir freuen uns sehr, ihn als Doktoranden begrüßen zu können! Er wird sich in seiner Promotion mit der Messung individueller Unterschiede in Aufmerksamkeitskontrollprozessen mittels mathematischer Modelle beschäftigen.

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Neue Podcastfolge: Wie erforscht man eigentlich Intelligenz?

In der 4. Folge unseres Wissenschaftspodcasts zur Intelligenz beschäftigen wir uns mit Intelligenzforschung: Wie lässt sich Intelligenz eigentlich beforschen und womit beschäftigen wir uns in unserer Forschung eigentlich? Wie können wir untersuchen, welche elementaren Prozesse Intelligenzunterschieden kausal zugrunde liegen? Hier geht's zur Folge: https://denkbar.letscast.fm/episode/003-gibt-es-noch-andere-formen-von-intelligenz-ausser-der-kognitiven

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Neue Veröffentlichung in Psychological Research

In der Zeitschrift Psychological Research ist ein neuer Artikel aus der Arbeitsgruppe erschienen:

Löffler, C., Frischkorn, G. T., Hagemann, D., Sadus, K., & Schubert, A.-L. (2024). The common factor of executive functions measures nothing but speed of information uptake. Psychological Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-023-01924-7

Abstract: There is an ongoing debate about the unity and diversity of executive functions and their relationship with other cognitive abilities such as processing speed, working memory capacity, and intelligence. Specifically, the initially proposed unity and diversity of executive functions is challenged by discussions about (1) the factorial structure of executive functions and (2) unfavorable psychometric properties of measures of executive functions. The present study addressed two methodological limitations of previous work that may explain conflicting results: The inconsistent use of (a) accuracy-based vs. reaction time-based indicators and (b) average performance vs. difference scores. In a sample of 148 participants who completed a battery of executive function tasks, we tried to replicate the three-factor model of the three commonly distinguished executive functions shifting, updating, and inhibition by adopting data-analytical choices of previous work. After addressing the identified methodological limitations using drift–diffusion modeling, we only found one common factor of executive functions that was fully accounted for by individual differences in the speed of information uptake. No variance specific to executive functions remained. Our results suggest that individual differences common to all executive function tasks measure nothing more than individual differences in the speed of information uptake. We therefore suggest refraining from using typical executive function tasks to study substantial research questions, as these tasks are not valid for measuring individual differences in executive functions.

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Neue Veröffentlichung in Developmental Science

In der Zeitschrift Developmental Science ist ein neuer Artikel aus der Arbeitsgruppe erschienen:

Vermeent, S., Young, E. S., DeJoseph, M. L., Schubert, A.-L., & Frankenhuis, W. E. (2024). Cognitive deficits and enhancements in youth from adverse conditions: An integrative assessment using Drift Diffusion Modeling in the ABCD study. Developmental Science, e13478. https://doi.org/10.1111/desc.13478

Abstract: Childhood adversity can lead to cognitive deficits or enhancements, depending on many factors. Though progress has been made, two challenges prevent us from integrating and better understanding these patterns. First, studies commonly use and interpret raw performance differences, such as response times, which conflate different stages of cognitive processing. Second, most studies either isolate or aggregate abilities, obscuring the degree to which individual differences reflect task-general (shared) or task-specific (unique) processes. We addressed these challenges using Drift Diffusion Modeling (DDM) and structural equation modeling (SEM). Leveraging a large, representative sample of 9–10 year-olds from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study, we examined how two forms of adversity—material deprivation and household threat—were associated with performance on tasks measuring processing speed, inhibition, attention shifting, and mental rotation. Using DDM, we decomposed performance on each task into three distinct stages of processing: speed of information uptake, response caution, and stimulus encoding/response execution. Using SEM, we isolated task-general and task-specific variances in each processing stage and estimated their associations with the two forms of adversity. Youth with more exposure to household threat (but not material deprivation) showed slower task-general processing speed, but showed intact task-specific abilities. In addition, youth with more exposure to household threat tended to respond more cautiously in general. These findings suggest that traditional assessments might overestimate the extent to which childhood adversity reduces specific abilities. By combining DDM and SEM approaches, we can develop a more nuanced understanding of how adversity affects different aspects of youth's cognitive performance.

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Studienaufruf Netzwerkstudie: Versuchspersonen (18-40 Jahre) gesucht!

Die Netzwerkstudie, durchgeführt an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und am Neuroimaging Center (NIC) der Universitätsmedizin Mainz, bietet Ihnen die einzigartige Chance, Einblicke in Ihre kognitiven Fähigkeiten zu gewinnen. Durch spannende Tests und modernste bildgebende Verfahren wie EEG und MRT, erfahren Sie mehr über IhreGedächtnis- und Intelligenzleistung, Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit und Aufmerksamkeit. Dies ist eine einzigartige Gelegenheit für gesunde Personen zwischen 18 und 40 Jahren, einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Wissenschaft zu leisten. Als Dankeschön für Ihre Teilnahme erhalten Sie eine Aufwandsentschädigung in Höhe von 100 € sowie, bei Interesse, eine Rückmeldung über Ihre kognitiven Fähigkeiten. Für weitere Informationen und zur Teilnahme besuchen Sie bitte die Netzwerkstudie-Website.

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Neue Podcastfolge: Gibt es noch andere Formen von Intelligenz, außer der kognitiven?

In der 3. Folge unseres Wissenschaftspodcasts zur Intelligenz beschäftigen wir uns mit "anderen Formen" der Intelligenz: Was ist denn eigentlich soziale Intelligenz, was hat es mit emotionaler Intelligenz auf sich und wie wichtig sind beide für den Berufserfolg? Hier geht's zur Folge: https://denkbar.letscast.fm/episode/003-gibt-es-noch-andere-formen-von-intelligenz-ausser-der-kognitiven

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Neue Mitarbeiterin Henrike Jungeblut

Wir begrüßen Henrike Jungeblut als neue Mitarbeiterin in der Abteilung für Analyse und Modellierung komplexer Daten. Frau Jungeblut hat Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften an den Universitäten Heidelberg und Göttingen studiert. Wir freuen uns sehr, sie als Doktorandin im DFG-Projekt "Neurokognitive Mechanismen individueller Unterschiede in der kognitiven Leistungsfähigkeit" als Doktorandin begrüßen zu können!

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Neue Veröffentlichung in Intelligence

In der Zeitschrift Intelligence ist ein neuer Artikel aus der Arbeitsgruppe erschienen:

Schubert, A.-L., Löffler, C., Wiebel, C., Kaulhausen, F., & Baudson, T. G. (2024). Don’t waste your time measuring intelligence: Further evidence for the validity of a three-minute speeded reasoning test. Intelligence, 102, 101804. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2023.101804

Abstract: The rise of large-scale collaborative panel studies has generated a need for fast, reliable, and valid assessments of cognitive abilities. In these studies, a detailed characterization of participants' cognitive abilities is often unnecessary, leading to the selection of tests based on convenience, duration, and feasibility. This often results in the use of abbreviated measures or proxies, potentially compromising their reliability and validity. Here we evaluate the mini-q (Baudson & Preckel, 2016), a three-minute speeded reasoning test, as a brief assessment of general cognitive abilities. The mini-q exhibited excellent reliability (0.96–0.99) and a substantial correlation with general cognitive abilities measured with a comprehensive test battery (r = 0.57; age-corrected r = 0.50), supporting its potential as a brief screening of cognitive abilities. Working memory capacity accounted for the majority (54%) of the association between test performance and general cognitive abilities, whereas individual differences in processing speed did not contribute to this relationship. Our results support the notion that the mini-q can be used as a brief, reliable, and valid assessment of general cognitive abilities. We therefore developed a computer-based version, ensuring its adaptability for large-scale panel studies. The paper- and computer-based versions demonstrated scalar measurement invariance and can therefore be used interchangeably. We provide norm data for young (18 to 30 years) and middle-aged (31 to 60 years) adults and provide recommendations for incorporating the mini-q in panel studies. Additionally, we address potential challenges stemming from language diversity, wide age ranges, and online testing in such studies.

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Neue Veröffentlichung in Psychophysiology

In der Zeitschrift Psychophysiology ist ein neuer Artikel aus der Arbeitsgruppe erschienen:

Sadus, K., Schubert, A.-L., Löffler, C., & Hagemann, D. (2023). An explorative multiverse study for extracting differences in P3 latencies between young and old adults. Psychophysiology, e14459, e14459. https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.14459

Abstract: It is well established that P3 latencies increase with age. Investigating these age-related differences requires numerous methodological decisions, resulting in pipelines of great variation. The aim of the present work was to investigate the effects of different analytical pipelines on the age-related differences in P3 latencies in real data. Therefore, we conducted an explorative multiverse study and varied the low-pass filter (4 Hz, 8 Hz, 16 Hz, 32 Hz, and no filter), the latency type (area vs. peak), the level of event-related potential analysis (single participant vs. jackknifing), and the extraction method (manual vs. automated). Thirty young (18–21 years) and 30 old (50–60 years) participants completed three tasks (Nback task, Switching task, Flanker task), while an EEG was recorded. The results show that different analysis strategies can have a tremendous impact on the detection and magnitude of the age effect, with effect sizes ranging from 0% to 88% explained variance. Likewise, regarding the psychometric properties of P3 latencies, we found that the reliabilities fluctuated between rtt = .20 and 1.00, while the homogeneities ranged from rh = −.12 to .90. Based on predefined criteria, we found that the most effective pipelines relied on a manual extraction based on a single participant's data. For peak latencies, manual extraction performed well for all filters except for 4 Hz, while for area latencies, filters above 8 Hz produced desirable results. Furthermore, our findings add to the evidence that jackknifing combined with peak latencies can lead to inconclusive results.

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Denkbar: Der Wissenschaftspodcast über Intelligenz

Zusammen mit ihrem Co-Host Artur hat Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Schubert einen neuen Wissenschafts-Podcast über Intelligenz veröffentlicht: Denkbar. In diesem Podcast werden die beiden in die Welt der Intelligenzforschung eintauchen und laienverständlich erklären, was Intelligenz eigentlich ist, ob und wie man die Intelligenz eigentlich messen kann, was die Wissenschaft über die neurokognitiven Grundlagen der Intelligenz weiß, was Hochbegabung bedeutet, und was menschliche von künstlicher Intelligenz unterscheidet.

Mehr Informationen zum Podcast finden Sie auf der Website https://denkbar.letscast.fm/. Die Folgen erscheinen monatlich auf allen bekannten Podcast-Plattformen. Folgen Sie auch dem Twitter-Account des Podcasts, um als Erste über neue Folgen informiert zu werden: @Denkbar_Podcast

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